Sunday, July 17, 2011

Shifting Gears

Today was brutally spectacular. The lack of sleep combined with the amount of activity served to further exhaust the already exhausted, but not without some fun along the way.

I was more prepared than Irene in terms of sleep, which is really ironic considering she works considerably well--and better than me--under significant sleep deprivation, but I was still riding a roller-coaster throughout most of the day.

Going to bed at 5:00 A.M., waking up at 8:00 A.M., and leaving Columbia by 9:00 A.M. took its fair toll. But, from then on, the day was just as exciting as it was exhausting.

From Rockefeller Center where the view of New York's skyline is extraordinary, to Central Park and their lake-side, boat-house restaurant, to a long trip between J.F.K. and S.F.O. Intl., with a minor detour to Oakland airport, even our last day was jam-packed.

I was relatively fine throughout most of the day. Between caffeinated beverages and a short nap on the plane, I've been functioning quite well.

But, as soon as I dropped my bags off inside my room and took a seat on the bed, all of that weariness hit me. I am fighting pretty hard to write this blog right now as is!

Farewell, New York. It was nice knowing you. We had some good times--some great times--but there's only so much fun to be had and knowledge to learn before the well begins to run dry. I'm definitely relieved to be back in California. And, I've got a lot of commitments to tend to. I dare say I have more to do out here than in New York!

But, I think New York has definitely succeeded in priming my summer work ethic and behavior, and I am more than ready to begin work on the rest of my summer projects.

It's a slight shift in gear, but we're still in the fast lane.

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